2 – UTS module Specifications:


2.1 Mechanical:


Tube PCB with 10mm Standoffs (10mm standoffs are required
and 10mm clearance must be present below the PCB):
140mm deep; 80mm wide; 45mm high
Fixing holes in the four corners on a 71mm X 131mm rectangle.
Fixing holes require M3 or equivalent screws.


Mains transformer:
76mm diameter, 40mm high
Fixing with either central M4/M5 bolt or via 4 racetrack shaped 8mm X 5mm Holes centered on a 60mm square.
This means for the mains transformer to fit at least 40mm clearance above it is required, the tube stage needs 45mm.


2.2 UTS Module Electrical Performance: 
  • S/N- > 100dbA (approx 5nv/hz).
  • THD- <0.15% (<0.1% typical); <1%THD (10Vout, 100K load)
  • 20Hz – 20KHz (< -0.5db with IHF 10K/1nf load)
  • Output Impedance <100 Ohm
  • Can use 6N11,ECC 88, 6DJ8, 6922, tube family only in this implementation.
  • gain as supplied for phono: MM 38db; with optional Cinemag step up transformer: Lo 62db, Hi 68db
  • MM input impedance: 47K
  • MC input impedance (ie load cartridge sees for load purposes): Hi (36:1) – 36ohms; Lo (18:1) – 140 ohms
The best sound is by using the inherent loading offered by the transformer.
The Universal Tube Output Stage is fitted with a relay based muting circuit which also performs a turn-on delay. This is of the type so it is completely disconnected when unmuted.