Package contents
The consonance T988/T1288 tonearm is delivered in specially designed packaging to ensure its safe transport. Please check the contents as shown in picture below and in the list at the bottom of this page:
1.Carbon fibre arm
2. Counterweight
3. Tonearm base
4. Tonearm lift
5. Headshell
6. Anti-skate weight
7. RCA connector
8.Oil (optional. Note: oil is not allowed for airmail)
9.1.5mm allen wrench
10.3mm allen wrench
11.Cartridge alignment gauge
2. T988 and T1288 tonearm mounting
These are general principle. Please refer to the turntable manufacturer´s user manual.
1. Fitting and connecting the cartridge. All cartridge with half inch mounting holes can be fitted. Do not tighten the nuts yet.Connect the tonearm wire to the cartridge pins as
2. Make sure that the distance from the spindle to the pivot point of the tonearm is exactly 290mm for the T1288. When moving the armboard in one direction or another you can locate the correct armboard position, a ruler is included in helping in proper setup adjustment.
3. In this picture you must secure the tonearm cable connection using the supplied 1.5mm allen wrench. After you place the connection inside the hole in the tonearm base use the allen wrench to tighten the allen screw, located on the side of the base.
4. As illustrated use the silicon oil in the syringe and place a few drops, enough to cover the bearings, inside the tonearm bearing well. Then place the tonearm on the bearing well making sure that the ‘male’ part of the bearing is sitting in the ‘female’ bearing.
5. In the next step, simply connect the two audio wire connectors making sure they are proper connected.
6. Slide the counterweight on the shaft of the tonearm.Lock the weight in its position by tightening the screws in the weight. This isonly a temporary fixed position, the final adjustment will be done during cartridge installation.
7. Mount your cartridge according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Align cartridge for overhang (16mm)and offset angle
8. Use the scale to set tracking force (see cartridge instructions for recommended tracking force range). Adjusting trackingforce is accomplished by moving the weight towards or
away from the pivot point on the shaft.
9. Align cartridge for overhang (16mm)and offset angle using the Consonance Cartridge alignment gauge. Once done, re-check tracking force.
10. Feed the anti-skate weight through the anti-skate support wand and secure it to one of the three locations (according to the anti-skating adjustment for your cartridge) on the shaft at the top of the tonearm bell.
Note: The anti-skating force is adjusted according to the mass of the cartridge as follows:
T1288’s downforce: 8-11mN,12-14mN,15mN and bigger(Groove in the stub 1 st, 2st, 3st from bearing rings).
When tightening the counter-weight, insurethat the weight is perfectly vertical otherwise this may affect your cartridges azimuth settings.
11. VTA adjustments are accomplished by adjusting the two large washers on the bottom of the threaded tonearm base shaft. Beforeyou place the tonearm through the arm base hole make sure one of the threaded washers is already in place. After placing the the tonearm through the base, screw the second one onto the bottom of the shaft. Make the proper adjustments (first by hand) to reach the proper vertical tracking position then use the 3mm allen wrench to help make a tighter secure fit. After this use the 3mm allen wrench to tighten the screws located around the edge of the threaded washers. Be careful not too tighten these screws too much. Just make sure they are properly secure so that the washers don’t become lose over time.
12. offset adjustments are facilitated through the small (3 mm) allen screw on the top where the headshell connects with the arm.
13.In addition, if you want more damping, place as muchdamping oil as you desire in the large tonearm oil cup. The amount of oil is up to your personal taste. Experimentation is necessary.