Appendix B – Silk LCR EQ Connections and Performance
Silk Transformers of Thailand have been manufacturing a wide range of conventional and uncommon magnetic components for many years.
The trend to use vacuum tube phono stage circuits has been back to the high-end scene for several years. Most designs based high impedance, high loss R/C networks in either feedback loop or passive, to provide RIAA compensation.
Even though this scheme has been implemented to most of available phono stage circuits, due to ease of design, implementation and low cost, for many audiophiles, those phono stages still do not provide enough sense of reality.
Recently the trend of alternative design called LCR RIAA phono stage circuit is now on rising and gain popularity among discerned audiophiles. This is only natural, as the pre-emhasis RIAA networks in many Cutting Lathes for cutting LP’s also used LCR Circuits to shape the original equalization.
The LCR RIAA comprises of inductors, resistors and capacitors to form a low impedance constant impedance T-network that functions to compensate for RIAA playback standard. This low impedance characteristic yields exceptional signal transfer that usually lost from high impedance R/C RIAA network.
The Silk LCR RIAA is built based on the best Superpermalloy core inductor and performs within +/- 0.5dB from RIAA standard (from 20Hz-20KHz) and on average less than +0.15dB from the RIAA standard. The SILK LCR RIAA requires either 600 ohm source impedance or 600 Ohm load impedance.
B.1 LCR RIAA connection diagram
B.2 LCR RIAA Response