Listening Room in Antipolo

Listening Room in the Philippines

We received many request for an audition of the Reisong amplifiers and Reisong speakers. Recently converted our workshop and testing area into an acoustic listening room. It’s just 8-SqM but you can listen comfortably. You may bring your own amplifers or speakers to compare. You may do tube rolling. You can compare the sound of different audio components.


Regular demo products:


Signature Reisong amp (upgraded by us):

  • A10 EL34 Power Amp
  • A20 KT88 Power Amp
  • A50 300B Power Amp
  • Django TVC Passive Preamp
  • Our own SE 300B amp
  • Reisong K4 Bookshelf Speaker
  • Polk TSx220B Bookshelf speaker
  • TJ mesh plate 300B
  • TJ special edition 300B
  • TJ CNE 300B
  • Psvane TII 300B
  • Psvane Hifi (=entrance level) 300B


To ensure the availability of the listening room, please make an advanced booking. We will try to make it available for you even on holidays. Please feel free to send us your request if you want tube rolling or a certain setup.

Listening Room Booking

12 + 7 =

This is just an approximate location. The exact location will be given after an appointment is made.